On the 3-4 of November the Toby’s Inlet Estate team attended the Perth Village Expo 2019. Hosted at the Curtin Technology Centre it was the first event run in Perth by the well experienced group – Retirement Village Expo (RVE). With over 20 years experience of running similar events successfully on the east coast of Australia the team from RVE unsurprisingly did a fantastic job hosting Perth’s first expo. The two days enabled visitors to explore what retirement villages are on offer and the benefits each provided for their residents. Our Toby’s and Nova team were thrilled to take part and enjoyed speaking to many people interested in our South West villages. RVE will be hosting their next expo in approximately 6 months time, stay tuned for final date and time announcements. If you are interested in village living these expo’s should not be missed! We hope to see you at the next one:)